How Can We Help?

Our Printable Resources

  • Yes.

  • Please reach out to contact for assistance.

  • Log into your account and …

  • We hate to see you go, please let us know if there is anything we can do to help!
    Log in to your account on Under Account there is a button that states auto-renewal. Click the button to halt your current subscription.

We've Gathered Key Answers to Your Most Pressing Questions.

  • It will be sent to the purchaser’s email address on the account. All gift card rewards will be digital gift cards.

  • Students will develop habits that assist in building critical thinking and leadership skills that are highly sought after by employers bolstering their resume with the competency reports.

  • We do not encourage this, but if you are wishing to make a purchase for an educator in your life, please reach out at for assistance. We’d be more than happy to assist you!

Let’s Talk!

Do you have a suggestion or want to provide some feedback?
Tell us your thoughts!
Let us know how we are doing & how we can best support you!

If you need further assistance, our customer support team is just a message away at